We've been developing a CMS (Content Management System) for our website since 26.04.2015. We chose Wordpress as a powerful framework to realize the website. We installed Wordpress at www.domain.com. We use GitHub as a version control system and Aptana Studio 3 as an IDE. Pushing the project through Aptana to GitHub is very convenient. Aptana also provides a very useful FTP sync service to transfer the project to the remote server. The FTP service of Aptana and the version control of GitHub make the Web development very pleasant.
To test our project, we installed Wordpress at www.domain.com/test-website also. When the test website meets the requirements, we transfer the updated code to the live website at www.domain.com. As you may have noticed, we have created two projects in Aptana: one project is deployed to the test website and the other to the live website.
We develop a theme for our website now. So far, we've learned that the Google Chrome Developer Tools are powerful tools to track down the elements of a web page. You can access to the tools in Google Chrome: Chrome menu -> Tools -> Developer Tools.
The most important files of Wordpress themes for developers are style.css, header.php, home.php and footer.php.